百年寬恕 Cien años de perdón/To Steal From A Thief
百年寬恕 Cien años de perdón/To Steal From A Thief
  • DVD編號:EM1568
  • 地區:歐美 語言:英語 字幕:繁體 介質:DVD
  • 主演:路伊斯·托沙 / 勞爾·阿雷瓦羅 / 羅德裏格·德拉·塞納 / 帕特裏夏·維柯 / 瑪麗安·阿爾瓦雷斯 / 路易斯·卡葉...
  • 影片總金額:NT$:250 ~ 350 元
  • 購買數量:
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導演: 丹尼爾·卡爾帕索羅

編劇: 豪爾赫·格力加耶切瓦利亞

主演: 路伊斯·托沙 / 勞爾·阿雷瓦羅 / 羅德裏格·德拉·塞納 / 帕特裏夏·維柯 / 瑪麗安·阿爾瓦雷斯 / 路易斯·卡葉赫 / Luciano Cáceres

類型: 驚悚

制片國家/地區: 西班牙

語言: 西班牙語

上映日期: 2016-03-03(阿根廷) / 2016-03-04(西班牙)

  A group of thieves led by El Uruguayo is set to rob a bank in Valencia. Their purpose is to steal as many safety boxes as possible and then flee through a dug tunnel that communicates the building with an abandoned subway station. However, the press officer of the Prime Minister discovers what the thieves are actually after: they want to get their hands on box 314, where Gonzalo Soriano, a former member of the government who slipped into a coma after a severe accident, left documents with compromising information. The gang's plans start to go awry when the tunnel is flooded by heavy rain, leaving them with no escape. Also, despite the robbery being a setup by a faction of the governing party, the bank's security personnel has not received the instructions to let them flee.

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