【原名】:Bullet in the Face
【電視臺】:IFC (CA)
【片長】:平均 40 分鐘
【導演】: 埃裏克·卡努埃爾 Eric Canuel ....(4 episodes, 2012)
【演員】: Max Williams ....Gunter Vogler (4 episodes, 2011-2012)
Neil Napier ....Lt. Karl Hagerman (4 episodes, 2011-2012)
艾迪·伊紮德 Eddie Izzard ....Heinrich Tannhauser (4 episodes, 2012)
Kate Kelton ....Martine Mahler (4 episodes, 2011-2012)
埃裏克·羅伯茨 Eric Roberts ....Racken (4 episodes, 2012)
傑西卡·斯汀 Jessica Steen ....Eva Braden (4 episodes, 2011-2012)
Alexander Bisping ....Surgeon (3 episodes, 2012)
【簡 介】:
Series about a psychotic criminal trying to juggle the demands of violence and an active social life.