德比郡往事/百年鄉情/百年村事第一季 The Village
德比郡往事/百年鄉情/百年村事第一季 The Village
  • DVD編號:E1374
  • 地區:歐美 語言:英語 字幕:繁體 介質:DVD
  • 主演:Maxine Peake / John Simm
  • 影片總金額:NT$:300 元
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導演: Aantonia Bird / Gillies MacKinnon
編劇: Peter Moffat
主演: Maxine Peake / John Simm / Bill Jones / Nico Mirallegro / Emily Beecham
類型: 劇情
制片國家/地區: 英國
語言: 英語
官方網站: http://www.bbc.co.uk​/programmes/p0162blq​
首播日期: 2013-03-31
季數: 1
集數: 6
單集片長: 60min
又名: 百年村事 / 德比郡往事

The camera never leaves the village. Births, deaths, love and betrayal, great political events, upheavals in national identity, ways of working, rules kept and rebellions made, sex, religion, class, the shaping of modern memory – all refracted through the lives of the villagers and the village.
  One man, Bert Middleton lives across the entire hundred years and his life story from boyhood to extreme old age provides the narrative backbone. His last great act of remembering is our way in to an examination of our recent past.
  The series begins in 1914. Young Bert Middleton (introducing Bill Jones) is growing up in extreme poverty on a family farm in Derbyshire. His parents John (John Simm – State of Play, The Devil’s Whore) and Grace (Maxine Peake – Silk, Criminal Justice, Shameless) struggle to provide for Bert and his adored older brother Joe (Nico Mirallegro – My Fat Mad Teenage Diary, Upstairs Downstairs). John is proud, unyielding and haunted by his past. Grace devotes her life to protecting her sons from the violence of his despair. Is her sacrifice sustainable? Is John capable of redemption? Will Bert’s funny, gentle ways and rich imagination survive? Joe supplements the family income by working at the Big House, where he comes into contact with the troubled and deeply unstable Caro (Emily Beecham – The Runaway).

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