獅心王理查:平叛之戰/獅心王理查:叛亂 Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion
獅心王理查:平叛之戰/獅心王理查:叛亂 Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion
  • DVD編號:EM1349
  • 地區:歐美 語言:英語 字幕:繁體 介質:DVD
  • 主演:瓦列裏·亞歷山德羅Valeri Alessandro / Elisa Allara / Lucia Allara
  • 影片總金額:NT$:250 ~ 350 元
  • 購買數量:
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導演: Stefano Milla

編劇: Gero Giglio

主演: 瓦列裏·亞歷山德羅Valeri Alessandro / Elisa Allara / Lucia Allara

類型: 劇情 / 動作 / 冒險

制片國家/地區: 美國

語言: 英語

上映日期: 2015

片長: 96分鐘

  The year is 1173. England and France are at war. The destiny of the two great powers has never been so intertwined. As King Henry's wife| Queen Eleanor| is captured

and imprisoned by the king himself| Richard and his brothers lead the fight against their father in a heartless war. Allegiances shift with each victory or defeat as

the destinies of England and France keep swaying in a delicate balance.


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